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Syrian civil war death toll exceeds 190,000, U.N. reports

Ayan Sheikh of PBS News Hour reports on the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Right’s release of HRDAG’s third report on reported killings in the Syrian conflict.
From the article:
The latest death toll figure covers the period from March 2011 to April of this year, came from the Human Rights Data Analysis Group and is the third study of its kind on Syria. The analysis group identified 191,269 deaths. Data was collected from five different sources to exclude inaccuracies and repetitions.

The Death Toll in Syria

Death Numbers

Human Rights Violations of Hissène Habré

How Do We Know the Death Toll in Syria Is Accurate?

Guatemala: Why We Cannot Turn Away

Tech for Truth

More Than 60,000 Have Died in Syrian Conflict, U.N. Says

Over 60,000 Dead in Syria conflict, UN Says

News Wrap: U.N. Reports 60,000 Dead in Syria Since Civil War Began Two Years Ago

Calculating Body Counts

Contabilidad el número de víctimas de la guerra de Siria

Five Questions with Patrick Ball

Martus – Paramilitary Protection for Activists

Condenan a 40 años de cárcel a dos ex policías

To Combat Human Rights Abuses, California Company Looks to Computer Code

Technology His Launchpad for Literacy, Human Rights

Verdad al acecho (The Truth Is Stalking)

HRDAG and AHPN Launch Book Detailing Collaboration

Earlier this month, HRDAG and the Historic Archive of the National Police (AHPN) of Guatemala launched a book that represents a long-time collaboration between the two organizations. The book, “Una mirada al AHPN a partir de un studio de cuantitativo,” is, as the title states, a look at the Archive’s datasets via a quantitative study. Book authors are HRDAG executive director Megan Price and AHPN colleague Carolina López, with translations by Beatriz Vejarano. The book is available in Spanish and forthcoming in English. The book explains how HRDAG and the Archive worked together over a decade to gain insight into the police activities that ...

Reflections: Some Stories Shape You

The first time I met anyone at HRDAG, I was a journalist. It was 2006. I was working on a story about a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon who’d collaborated with the organization on a survey in Sierra Leone, and I contacted Patrick Ball to discuss the work. At the time, I found him challenging. But I thought his work—trying to estimate how many people were killed, or, in that study, otherwise injured, during wars—was fascinating. Over the next few years, I got to know other researchers working on similar questions. In 2008, as the war in Iraq ramped up, I spoke with epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins University, the World Health Organiz...

Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
