679 results for search: %E3%80%8C%ED%8A%9C%EB%8B%9D%EB%90%9C%20%ED%8F%B0%ED%8C%85%E3%80%8D%20O6O~5OO~%C6%BC469%20%20%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%AD%EB%8C%80%EB%85%80%EB%8F%99%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4%ED%8C%85%20%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%AD%EB%8C%80%EB%85%80%EB%8F%99%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%EB%8F%99%ED%98%B8%ED%9A%8C%E2%98%80%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%AD%EB%8C%80%EB%85%80%EB%8F%99%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%EB%A7%8C%EB%82%A8%D1%87%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%AD%EB%8C%80%EB%85%80%EB%8F%99%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%EB%AA%A8%EC%9E%84%E3%8A%A2%E3%83%A8%E4%9E%8Edesigning/feed/content/colombia/copyright
100 Women in AI Ethics
We live in very challenging times. The pervasiveness of bias in AI algorithms and autonomous “killer” robots looming on the horizon, all necessitate an open discussion and immediate action to address the perils of unchecked AI. The decisions we make today will determine the fate of future generations. Please follow these amazing women and support their work so we can make faster meaningful progress towards a world with safe, beneficial AI that will help and not hurt the future of humanity.
53. Kristian Lum @kldivergence
Media Contact
Guatemala CIIDH Data
Ouster of Guatemala’s Attorney General
Truth Commissioner
From the Guatemalan military to the South African apartheid police, code cruncher Patrick Ball singles out the perpetrators of political violence.
¿Quién le hizo qué a quién? Planear e implementar un proyecto a gran escala de información en derechos humanos.
Patrick Ball (2008). “¿Quién le hizo qué a quién? Planear e implementar un proyecto a gran escala de información en derechos humanos.” (originally in English at AAAS) Translated by Beatriz Verjerano. Palo Alto, California: Benetech.
Tech Note – improving LLM-driven info extraction
Weighting for the Guatemalan National Police Archive Sample: Unusual Challenges and Problems.”
Gary M. Shapiro, Daniel R. Guzmán, Paul Zador, Tamy Guberek, Megan E. Price, Kristian Lum (2009).“Weighting for the Guatemalan National Police Archive Sample: Unusual Challenges and Problems.”In JSM Proceedings, Survey Research Methods Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
El problema del asesinato a líderes es más grave de lo que se piensa
Una investigación de Dejusticia y Human Rights Data Analysis Group asegura que en Colombia hay un subregistro de los asesinatos de líderes sociales que se han perpetrado en Colombia. Al analizar las diferentes cifras de homicidios que han publicado diversas organizaciones desde 2016, se llegó a la conclusión que la problemática es mayor de lo que se cree.
Multiple Systems Estimation: The Basics
Social Science Scholars Award for HRDAG Book
The John Maddox Prize for Patrick Ball
Insights Sessions
HRDAG Welcomes New Staff, Interns and Fellow
Views to a Kill: Exploring the Implications of Source Selection in the Case of Guatemalan State Terror, 1977-1996.
Christian Davenport and Patrick Ball. “Views to a Kill: Exploring the Implications of Source Selection in the Case of Guatemalan State Terror, 1977-1996.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 46(3): 427-450. 2002.
The Truth of Truth Commissions: Comparative Lessons from Haiti, South Africa, and Guatemala.
Audrey Chapman and Patrick Ball. “The Truth of Truth Commissions: Comparative Lessons from Haiti, South Africa, and Guatemala.” Human Rights Quarterly. 23(4):1-42. 2001
On the Quantification of Horror: Field Notes on Statistical Analysis of Human Rights Violations.
Patrick Ball. “On the Quantification of Horror: Field Notes on Statistical Analysis of Human Rights Violations.” in Repression and Mobilization, ed. by Christian Davenport, Hank Johnston, and Carol Mueller. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P. 2005.
Here’s how an AI tool may flag parents with disabilities
HRDAG contributed to work by the ACLU showing that a predictive tool used to guide responses to alleged child neglect may forever flag parents with disabilities. “These predictors have the effect of casting permanent suspicion and offer no means of recourse for families marked by these indicators,” according to the analysis from researchers at the ACLU and the nonprofit Human Rights Data Analysis Group. “They are forever seen as riskier to their children.”