Welcoming a New Board Member
As we get ready to begin our fourth year as an independent nonprofit, we are, as always, indebted to our Advisory Board and to our funders for their support and vision. We’re finishing up a busy year that took us to Dakar (for the trial of former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré), Pristina (for the release of the Kosovo Memory Book), Colombia (for work on a book about the Guatemalan Police Archives), and kept us busy here at home working on police violence statistics. But one of our biggest victories has been to score a new, talented, wise Advisory Board member—Michael Bear Kleinman, whom we first met when he was working with Humanity United.
“The work that HRDAG has done to date has been incredible, bringing rigor to some of the most difficult questions we face. I can’t wait to see what comes next,” says Michael. We are excited to reap the benefits of his experience on human rights projects in Liberia, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries.
At the same time, we’re saying goodbye to Advisory Board member Kim Keller, who joined us almost two years ago. Kim is executive director of the Keller Foundation, and her background in social science and public health, her vision of the international human rights community, and her passion for health justice, were incredibly helpful for us. “Michael will bring a wealth of experience and passion to the HRDAG Advisory Board. I’m thrilled that he is joining the board!,” says Kim.
Megan Price, HRDAG executive director, is very much looking forward to Michael’s counsel. “Michael has an amazing ability to ask questions that go directly to the heart of matters,” says Megan. “Every conversation I have with him leaves me with ideas to start pursuing. I’m so glad that HRDAG gets to benefit from his insights.”
Welcome, Michael!
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