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Over 60,000 Dead in Syria conflict, UN Says

Data Dive Reveals 15,000 New Victims of Syria War

News Wrap: U.N. Reports 60,000 Dead in Syria Since Civil War Began Two Years Ago

Death Numbers

Rain soaks homeless Haitians, collapses shacks

Five Questions with Patrick Ball

Analyze This!

Martus – Paramilitary Protection for Activists

To Combat Human Rights Abuses, California Company Looks to Computer Code

The Panic Button: High-Tech Protection for Human Rights Investigators

Patrick Ball on the Perils of Misusing Human Rights Data

Technology His Launchpad for Literacy, Human Rights

Verdad al acecho (The Truth Is Stalking)

Human Rights Violations of Hissène Habré

Guatemalan Ex-Cops Get 40 Years for Labor Leader’s Slaying

Condenan a 40 años de cárcel a dos ex policías

Court Sentences Two Former Policemen to 40 Years in Prison Todanoticia.com

A look at the top contenders for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize

The Washington Post’s Paul Schemm recognized HRDAG’s work in Syria, in the category of research and activism. “HRDAG gained renown at the start of the war, when it was one of the few organizations that tried to put a number on the war’s enormous toll in Syrian lives.”

Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
