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March 2016

Seeing the Forest: Columbia University

March 31, 2016 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Brown Institute for Media Innovation, Pulitzer Hall, 2950 Broadway
New York, NY 10027 United States
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Patrick Ball, director of research at HRDAG, discusses how to analyze hidden patterns using (mostly) public data  about people killed in Syria, 2011-2015. This is part of the Disrupting Unity and Discerning Ruptures: Focus Aleppo lecture series, with Laura Kurgan and Avinaom Shalem. Please register: info @ c4sr.columbia.edu by March 24, 2016.

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May 2015

Pics or it didn’t happen—how does social media access affect what we know about killings in the Syrian conflict?

May 6, 2015
Re-publica Berlin, + Google Map

On May 6, 2015, HRDAG affiliate Anita Gohdes presented a talk at re:publica 2015, a conference on Internet and society, about data culled from social media and their impact on our understanding of the Syrian conflict. Pics or it didn’t happen—how does social media access affect what we know about killings in the Syrian conflict? Anita Gohdes May 6, 2015 Berlin #rp15

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January 2015

Examining the Crisis in Syria

January 15, 2015 @ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
FHI 360 Conference Center, 8th Floor 1825 Connecticut Avenue
Washington DC, 20009 United States
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Conference Hosted by New America and Arizona State University’s Center on the Future of War and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Megan Price, panelist. Washington, D.C. January 15, 2015.

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April 2014

You Are Not So Smart: How we miss what is missing and what to do about it

April 24, 2014

YANSS podcast 022 On the San Francisco program, You Are Not So Smart, HRDAG director of research Megan Price talked with host David McRaney about Syria, human rights violations, and statistical analysis. The topic was survivorship bias. Megan's part in the podcast begins around Minute 27. From the YANSS blog: "Unfortunately, survivorship bias stands between you and the epiphanies you seek." You Are Not So Smart March 11, 2014 (podcast April 24, 2014) San Francisco, California Link to YANSS podcast…

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March 2014

Pulling the Plug: Network Disruptions and Violence in the Syrian Conflict

March 26, 2014 - March 29, 2014
Sheraton Centre Toronto, 123 Queen Street West
Toronto, Canada
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At this year’s International Studies Association Annual Convention, Anita Gohdes presented a talk titled, “Pulling the Plug: Network Disruptions and Violence in the Syrian Conflict,” while director of research Megan Price served on the working group, “Global Trends in War, Conflict, and Political Violence.” International Studies Association Annual Convention March 26-29, 2014 Toronto, Canada Link to ISA 2014 program

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“Lightning Talk” at RightsCon 2014 – Using Math and Science to Count Killings in Syria

March 4, 2014

Megan Price at RightsCon 2014 In this afternoon "Lightning Talk" at RightsCon 2014, Megan Price spoke about the importance of using models to adjust for variability when reporting human rights violations and mentioned innovative tools that can be used for tracking abuses. RIGHTSCON March 4, 2014 San Francisco, California Link to RightsCon program Back to Talks

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February 2014

STRATA 2014 – Record Linkage and Other Statistical Models for Quantifying Conflict Casualties in Syria

February 13, 2014
Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054 United States
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How do we know how many people have been killed in Syria? The hard answer is we don't. In this talk, presented at Strata, Megan Price addresses how HRDAG uses random forests, multiple systems estimation, and various Python and R packages to estimate conflict casualties. STRATA February 13, 2014 Santa Clara, California Link to 10-minute talk on youtube Back to Talks

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June 2012

Counting the Toll: The Production and Consumption of Human Rights Data

June 15, 2012
Mozilla, 2 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 United States
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Counting the Toll: The Production and Consumption of Human Rights Data. Patrick Ball at Mozilla. June 2012. *** Patrick Ball has spent more than twenty years designing databases and conducting quantitative analyses for truth commissions, non-governmental organizations, international criminal tribunals, national tribunals, and United Nations missions in over twenty countries. Using examples from his projects in El Salvador, Kosovo, Colombia, Timor-Leste, and Sierra Leone, Patrick will explore how human rights statistics can be misleading -- and how the limitations can…

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Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
