646 results for search: %E3%80%94%EB%82%A8%EB%85%80%ED%8F%B0%ED%8C%85%E3%80%95%20www%E0%BC%9Dnoda%E0%BC%9Dpw%20%20%EC%88%98%EC%95%88%EC%97%AD%EC%97%B0%ED%95%98%20%EC%88%98%EC%95%88%EC%97%AD%EC%9C%A0%EB%B6%80%E2%80%BB%EC%88%98%EC%95%88%EC%97%AD%EC%9D%BC%EB%B0%98%EC%9D%B8%D1%86%EC%88%98%EC%95%88%EC%97%AD%EC%9E%A0%EC%9E%90%EB%A6%AC%E2%93%8F%E3%83%B0%E3%BD%82porcelain

Death March

A mapped representation of the scale and spread of killings in Syria. HRDAG's director of research, Megan Price, is quoted. FOREIGN POLICY | MAP ROOM Jacopo Ottaviani January 15, 2014 Link to story in Foreign Policy Back to Press Room

Record Linkage and Other Statistical Models for Quantifying Conflict Casualties in Syria

How do we know how many people have been killed in Syria? The hard answer is we don't. In this talk, presented at Strata, Megan Price addresses how HRDAG uses random forests, multiple systems estimation, and various Python and R packages to estimate conflict casualties. STRATA February 13, 2014 Santa Clara, California Link to 10-minute talk on youtube Back to Talks

CIIDH Data – Variables List

Version date: 2000.01.29 Current version: ATV20.1 Patrick Ball & Herbert F. Spirer Below are listed the 19 files that constitute the CIIDH database. We have noted those that include data that might be analytically useful in future versions of ATV. File names and brief definitions are in bold, and variable summaries are in bulleted points. CXTOV2 (Context; links to VLCNV2) Additional detail on geographic location of case Narrative summary CXTOV2ex (Context extension; links to CXTOV2) Fine breakdown on the age category & sex of anonymous victims CXTOV2lg (Context extension; links to CXTOV2) Legal procedures taken on behalf of the ...


From time to time, we issue our own scientific reports that focus on the statistical aspects of the data analysis we have done in support of our partners. These reports are non-partisan, and they leave the work of advocacy to our partners. You can search our publications by keyword or by year.


HRDAG has been fortunate to have a long and exciting history that has taken us around the world to analyze data related to human rights violations. Along the way, we have met wonderful people, worked with amazing organizations and been a part of an amazing advancement of science through data analysis. This page highlights key moments in our history.


We work around the world Here’s more information about How We Choose Projects.    

Our work has been used by truth commissions, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental human rights organizations. We have worked with partners on projects on five continents.
